S42: Managing multiple yeast strains in a large brewery (or any size brewery)

Monday, August 12, 2013: 3:00 PM
Nautilus 5 (Sheraton San Diego)
William Maca, HWM Yeast Solutions LLC, Grafton, WI
Managing multiple yeast strains in a brewery can be problematic at best. It is very important to know, up front, the specific yeast strains you are using in your brewery both from a genotypic and a phenotypic perspective in the event “mixing” of the yeast strains occurs. Some of the obvious problems that can ensue from mixing strains can range from aberrant fermentations with sensorial profile deviations to variations in flocculation characteristics resulting in potential “downstream” processing issues. 

    Since it can be difficult to distinguish certain strains from each other(especially Lager strains it is imperative to have SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures )in place  in the brewery to prevent and /or mitigate those instances when “mixing “ of strains might occur.

    This presentation will give a case study of a propagation in a large brewery using multiple yeast strains when “not so obvious” issues occured due to problems in brewing cadence. Strategies to deal with brewing cadence and scheduling relative to” best practices” in propagating multiple yeast strains will also be discussed.