Monday, November 7, 2011: 10:00 AM
Islands Ballroom G-J (Marriott Marco Island)
We have shown that so called next generation biopharmaceuticals, like antibody fragments and scaffold proteins with and without intra-/intermolecular disulfidebridges can be produced very effiently by secretion of the correct folded protein into the culture media by using our modified E. coli strain (Brand Name: ESETEC®).
The talk will focus on our approach to develop the corresponding fermentation process for ESETEC® which is capable to be scaled up to large scale (4.5 - 30 m3).
The critical fermentation process parameters, which influences growth behavior and productivity will be highlighted. We will show how sufficient titers can be achieved quickly in early stage projects. In addition parameters applied during the fermentation process will be discussed rating their influence on the later downstream process, which leads to high product quality.
See more of: Developing a process: Where to start - screening and product scouting
See more of: Invited Oral Papers
See more of: Invited Oral Papers