S18: European training and education programs on Bioprocess Technology

Monday, November 4, 2013: 1:30 PM
Islands Ballroom F-J (Marriott Marco Island)
Henk Noorman, Fermentation, DSM Biotechnology Center, Delft, Netherlands
With recent advances in molecular biology, biomass chemistry and a growing biomass availability for industrial use, the bio-based economy is getting a wider range of inputs. However, scaling up and implementation of bioprocesses in large-scale factories is a next bottleneck. Companies are struggling, as industrial bioprocess experts are not readily available and technologies for utilization of biomass are still in development.

In Europe there have been some bioprocess courses and training programs around over the years, providing a basic platform for education. Examples are the Advanced Courses Program at the Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands,  the Modular Training for the Bioprocess Industries Program (MBI) at University College London, UK, and the Bioprocess Engineering Course organized by the European Federation of Biotechnology, in Croatia. The latter provides a comprehensive overview of the field via contributions from leading European university groups and industry members.

These are good programs, also having proven flexible in moving along with bioprocess technology advances. However, in my view, given the rising need for bio-commercialization this will likely be insufficient. Also, viewing the programs in more detail, the focus is merely on the second step of bioprocess development and operation, but it is not enough on primary bioprocess design.

It is important that this is realized and mitigated, best via joint forces of industries and university groups further setting up courses and training programs, which are kept up-to-date in line with the pace of progress towards the bio-based economy.