S10: Multidimensional optimization of biological systems to fit industrial applications

Monday, November 4, 2013: 9:00 AM
Islands Ballroom F-J (Marriott Marco Island)
Claes Gustafsson, DNA2.0 Inc,, Menlo Park, CA
Protein expression is a multidimensional optimization problem. The same protein can be encoded by a googol different DNA sequences, initiation of transcription and translation can be controlled over three orders of magnitude, thousands of host genome genes can be edited - all with dramatic effects on protein expression yield. We here will illustrate how modern synthetic biology tools, Design of Experiment (DoE), cloud computing and big data analysis software can be used to model, predict, and experimentally validate the sequence-function correlation between primary nucleotide sequence and key quality attributes (e.g. desired function, expressibility, solubility) thereby enabling Quality by Design (QbD) very far upstream of the manufacturing process.