Author Index: G
Technological improvements for the use of diversified feedstock bases and enhanced conversion efficacy in co-fermentation of biomass-derived glucose and xylose,
Ethanol production from forest residues: the effect of bark content,
Batch-wise vs. continuous steam pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials
Comparative study of lignins from grass, residual cereal biomass and wood for conversion to biopolymers ,
Effect of steam explosion on the extraction of lignins from grass, residual cereal biomass and wood for the production of high-value products,
Bioconversion and modification of lignin for the production of biopolymers
Feedstock quality: A poorly understood but critical aspect for the development of a biorefining industry,
Quantifying Biomass Feedstock Variability Using the DOE Bioenergy Feedstock Library,
Predicting bioconversion from physical and chemical characteristics of multiple lignocellulosic biomass types
Integrated succinic acid production from xylose-enriched hydrolysates by Actinobacillus succinogenes for downstream biopolymer production,
Carbon-efficient bioconversion of methane to biofuels and biochemicals by an obligate methanotrophic bacterium,
Genetic tool development and metabolic engineering of Actinobacillus succinogenes
Producing cellulosic fuels and chemicals in the face of $40/bbl oil: a new imperative for sustainability,
Ideal biomass characteristics for biofuels and biochemicals production - can we bridge the gap between feedstock growers and users?,
Hydrocarbon bio-jet fuel from bioconversion of poplar biomass: life cycle assessment of site specific impacts,
Glacial acetic acid production from biomass: separation/distillation techno economic comparison,
Economic and environmental performance of mixing hybrid poplar and wheat straw during bioconversion to ethanol production