Six Korean rapeseed cultivars were grown under both control(groundwater treatment) and salinized conditions(seawater treatment of CE=4, 8, and 16 dS m−1) for a complete life cycle. Growth analysis of the rapeseed cultivars in response to seawater salinity was performed. Salinity significantly reduced growth and yield components of the rapeseed cultivars. The effects of seawater salinity on plant height were generally similar to yields.
Mineral nutrition accumulation and fatty acid compositions in seeds in response to seawater salinity were investigated. Absorption rates of sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphate ions were determined for the 6 cultivars. Salinity significantly increased Na, P, Cl and Mg in leaves whereas it reduced K. However, fatty acid compositions in seeds in response to seawater salinity were not much changed.
Proline accumulation in response to seawater salinity was investigated in the plants. Proline dramatically increased in 8 and 16 dS m−1 of seawater whereas its accumulation in 4 dS m−1 was similar to the control. Protein expression patterns of rapeseed plants under seawater treatment will be further discussed.