Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hemicellulose sugars extraction from coffee silverskin
Livia M. Carneiro1, Solange I. Mussatto2, João Paulo A. Silva1, Inês C. Roberto1, and José A. Teixeira2. (1) Department of Biotechnology, Engineering College of Lorena, University of São Paulo, Estrada Municipal do Campinho, s/n, Lorena, 12.602-810, Brazil, (2) IBB - Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, Braga, Portugal
Significant amounts of wastes are generated in the coffee industry, among of which, the coffee silverskin (CS) is one of those produced in larger amounts. CS basically consists in the out layer surrounding the coffee grain and contains 13.1% w/w hemicellulose, comprising the xylose (4.73%), arabinose (2.00%), galactose (3.82%), and mannose (2.54%) sugars. In the present work, CS was subjected to dilute sulfuric acid reactions aiming to extract the sugars present in its hemicellulosic fraction. To maximize the results, reactions under different conditions of H2SO4 concentration (100 to 140 mg/g dry matter), liquid-to-solid ratio (10 to 14 g/g), temperature (100 to 180 ºC), and reaction time (15 to 75 min), were performed according to experimental designs. The best extraction results were achieved using 100 mg H2SO4/g dry matter in a liquid-to-solid ratio of 14 g/g, at 170 ºC for 45 min. The sugars recovery from CS could be an interesting alternative to add value to this residue, which has been few explored as raw material for other industrial activities. Acknowledgements: Delta Cafés (Portugal ).
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See more of The 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (April 19-22, 2010)
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See more of The 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (April 19-22, 2010)