Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Further research on hot water flowthrough pretreatment
In the presentation we will show results from a number of studies using flowthrough pretreatment of corn stover with hot water under varying temperature (160-220°C), time (0-120min), and flowrates (1-50mL/min) to understand the influence on lignin and hemicellulose removal into the hydrolyzate on further processing of the resulting pretreated biomass material. The dynamic characteristics of hemicellulose, lignin and their complex in the hydrolyzate during pretreatment, including compositions, structural features and solubility will be discussed. Finally we will present a model using kinetic data comparing conventional kinetic behavior versus that by dissolution and solubility limits with reaction and mass transfer effects. In addition, an analog of lignin-hemicellulose complex was also employed in this study to verify the kinetic model developed. Our model was found to be useful for providing insights into the pretreatment mechanism during thermal conversion of biomass.
See more of General Submissions
See more of The 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (April 19-22, 2010)