Sunday, April 29, 2007

Screening of microorganisms for limonene bioconversion

Ieda Rottava1, Camila Grando2, Altemir J. Mossi2, Rogério L. Cansian2, and Octavio Augusto Ceva Antunes3. (1) Bioquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Química, CT, Bloco A, Lab. 641, Rio de Janeiro, 21.945-970, Brazil, (2) Ciências Agrárias, URI - Campus de Erechim, Av. Sete de Setembro, 1621, Erechim, 99700-000, Brazil, (3) Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Química, CT, Bloco A, Lab. 641, Rio de Janeiro, 21945-970, Brazil

From the allyl oxidation of the limonene, it is possible to get oxygenates composites as carveol and carvone. Different isomers of these have property of flavor of mint, cumin or anise, of interest for the industries of cosmetics, druggist and foods. The objective of this work was to carry through screening of microorganisms, from rejects of the citric juice industry, and other sources of limonene, for bioconversion of this. The election was carried through with the isolation of diverse microorganisms in plates with Potato Dextrose Agar. To verify the enzyme presence that degrades limonene in the isolated microorganisms, it was used minimum media more limonene, in electromagnetic agitation. Fermentation in orbital agitator was become fulfilled, using broth Potato Dextrose and limonene (1.5%, v/v), with the microorganisms that had presented resulted positive in the previous test. The products gotten in the bioconversion process (dehydrocarveol and cis-carveol, among others), had been characterized by GC/MS.