Sunday, April 29, 2007

Screening of organic solvents and lipases for enzymatic resolution of glycerol and methyl benzoate

Juliana Faccin De Conto1, Patrícia Costa1, Débora Oliveira1, Geciane Toniazzo2, Lindomar Alberto Lerin3, and Octavio Augusto Ceva Antunes3. (1) Department of Food Engineering, URI-Campus de Erechim, Avenida Sete de Setembro, 1621, Centro, Erechim, 99700-000, Brazil, (2) Ciências Agrárias, URI - Campus de Erechim, Av. Sete de Setembro. 1621, Erechim, 99700-000, Brazil, (3) Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Química, CT, Bloco A, Lab. 641, Rio de Janeiro, 21945-970, Brazil


The antagonists of β-adrenergics receptors as propanolol and carvedilol are important farmaceuticals in the treatment of several diseases as hypertension, cardiopathy isquemic, some types of arrhythmia and glaucoma. In this sense, the main objective of this work was to develop process of production of propanolol and carvedilol by using immobilized lipases as catalysts. It was investigated the esterification activities of several different immobilized commercial lipases. Based on the observed results it was selected the most suitable enzymes for the use as reaction catalysts. The reaction was performed by using glycerol and methyl benzoate as substrates. On the other step, it was selected the most appropriate organic solvent for the supramentioned reaction. The choice was based on the solubility of the substrates on the solvents and the ebullition point of each one. Thermodinamics equations were used so as to select the best solvent for the reaction. After computational analysis, it was observed that 2-propanol solubilized the substrates with more efficiency. The reactional system containing the substrates (glycerol and methyl benzoate), the solvent (2-propanol) and the enzyme (Novozym 435) were tested. The preliminary results point out good perspectives for pharmaceuticals synthesis in terms of process conversion and enantiomeric excess.