In this study, we aim to enrich novel electrochemically active strains in sediments from various equatorial environments. Sediment inocula from urban waterways, industrial area, and mines were tested in long-term enrichment experiments at controlled anodic potentials. In addition to the conventional voltamperometric characterization, the biofilm, formed at the working electrode was subjected to Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) over a wide range of potentials. EIS of the biofilms reveal several charge transfer routes at different potentials and with different characteristic times. Furthermore, EIS enable monitoring the long-term changes of the electroactive biofilm and quantifying the effect of biofilm accumulation on the conductivity of the biofilm/electrode interface.
Electrochemical analysis is coupled with meta-genomic and meta-transcriptomics to reveal novel electrochemically active microorganisms and to understand their charge transfer mechanism. The understanding of the microbe/electrode interaction in the sediments will help controlling the dynamic of metal cycling in urban sediments. Furthermore, novel electrochemically active microorganism will find application in bioremediation and environmental sensing applications.