P32: Disparity mutagensis technology: a novel mutagenesis which acceralates the evolution of the host strain

Monday, August 13, 2012
Columbia Hall, Terrace Level (Washington Hilton)
Ken Kasahara, Research and Development department, Neo-Morgan Laboratory Incorporated, Kawasaki, Japan
Diparity mutagenesis is based on the Diparity mutagenesis theory, which is an evolutional theory proposed to speak to the mystery of expantion of species in jurasic days.

In this theory, Replicational error only in the DNA lagging strand is presumeed as a driver of the "Evolution".

Based this theory, we have created the novel mutagenesis and have been applying to optimize and create the strain used in microbial host strain used in fermentation.

Compared with the conventional mutagenesis, which basically phisycally impairing the DNA to achieve the mutation; our approach is basically replication dependant approach.

Since then it's result as a mutagenesis has a immense differnce with those like a X-rays, MNNG and EMS.

[Characteristic of the Disparity Mutagenesis Technology]

We have compared the mutation spectrum which code RNA polymerase beta sub-unit (RpoB) using two separate mutagenesis; Disparity mutagenesis and MNNG to archieve the rifampicin torelance for the Actinomyces (Streptomyces coelicolor). As a result we have found that the MNNG were only effective to GC to AT base substitution. Whereas in the Disparity mutagenesis, there were more wide range in the types of base substitution.

[Application 1: Improvement in the titer productivity]  

We have been using this mutagensis to improve the titer productivity of the microbe for various purpose; from high valued product to commodity such as a fuel and bio-material.

[Application 2: Disovery of Natural compound dereverative]

We have used this mutagenesis technology to archieve the natural compound derivarative using ciclosporin producing filamentous bacterium.