S25 Modifications to the CDC biofilm growth reactor method (ASTM E2562-12) for mixed species and Legionella pneumophila studies
Tuesday, October 11, 2016: 10:30 AM
San Diego Ballroom (Westin GasLamp Quarter)
D. Walker*, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
The Standardized Biofilm Methods Laboratory (SBML) at the Center for Biofilm Engineering was designed to meet research and industry needs for standard analytical methods in order to evaluate innovative biofilm control technologies. SBML staff and students develop, refine, and publish quantitative methods for growing, treating, sampling, and analyzing biofilm bacteria. The SBML works with international standard setting organizations such as AOAC International, ASTM International, IBRG, and OECD on the approval of biofilm methods. To date, five biofilm methods have been standardized through ASTM International. These methods grow Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms, a representative and ubiquitous bacterium found in many environments. The study and testing of other bacterial biofilms may be of interest, however. Modifications to the standard method may therefore be required with respect to growth temperature, media type and/or concentrations, or incubation times. The SBML has developed a protocol with modifications to standard method ASTM E2562-12 for growing a mixed species biofilm, which could include Legionella pneumophila, for efficacy testing.