S41 Biological remediation & emergency preparedness in the built environment
Wednesday, October 12, 2016: 1:30 PM
San Diego Ballroom (Westin GasLamp Quarter)
T. Licker, Infection Control Technologies & the American Bio-Recovery Association, Monroe Township, NJ and K. Davis*, Harmony Environmental Services, Encinitas, CA
Biological Remediation Emergency Preparedness in the Built Environment
In the arms race against cross-contamination it is important that presented technological advances be scrutinized and matched to the need of conditions present. The presentation also touches on the adaptation of the Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) guidelines for conducting remedial or construction activities in critical care environments.

This presentation touches on cross-contamination and facility hygiene issues in a variety of in environments. It discusses decontamination of marine vessels – Cruise Ships, Frigates, Submarines (Norovirus Control) with advanced electronic and security considerations to critical care environments such as Health Care Units, Biological Research Facilities, food processing and pharmaceutical clean room conditions. It discusses new developing technologies that have achieved high level disinfection with little environmental concerns and advanced preventative nano-technologies for long term prevention of cross-contamination.