DNA-based microbial profiling aids industrial water treatment for recycling and reuse
Tuesday, November 11, 2014: 1:30 PM
Union Square Ballroom, Mezzanine Level
Microbial systems such as bioreactors and treatment wetlands can be used in beneficial ways for recycling and re-use of water from many industries. However, not all biological treatment systems are equal in performance effectiveness or efficiency. While the microbial component of such biological treatment has traditionally been viewed as a ?black box?, in this presentation we will discuss how DNA-based microbial profiling is now being used to gain more detailed understanding of the communities responsible for treatment. Community stability can be monitored, and fluctuations of outgoing water quality preemptively forecast and prevented. Moreover, performance discrepancies in analogous treatment systems (such as bioreactors) can be assessed and pinpointed to variances in the resident microbial community.