Monday, November 9, 2009
Corroboration of quantitative microbial metabolomics data by NET-analysis
An interesting biological phenomenon, which also provides the NET-analysis with a set of different metabolomes, is the diauxic shift of E. coli after growth on glucose to consumption of previously produced but toxic acetate. We cultivated E. coli in controlled batchculture on glucose, took samples at different time points in the growth curve, quenched the metabolism and subsequently analyzed the cellular extracts by GC-MS and LC-MS techniques [1]. The measured data were converted into intracellular concentrations and for each individual timepoint in the growth curve a NET-analysis [2] was performed. Preliminary results indicate that for glucose catabolism the metabolome data were thermodynamically feasible.
[1] M.J. van der Werf et al., (2007) Analytical Biochemistry, Vol 370, pp 17-25
[2] A. Kümmel et al., (2006) Molecular Systems Biology doi:10.1038/msb4100074
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