Monday, November 9, 2009 - 1:30 PM
Modeling, "omics", and systems biology approaches to industrial strain development
Stephen Van Dien, Genomatica, Inc., 10520 Wateridge Circle, San Diego, CA 92121 and Mariët J. Van der Werf, Microbiology, TNO Quality of Life, P.O. Box 360, Zeist, 3700 AJ, Netherlands.
This session explores how a systems biology approach can be applied to improve fermentation processes, develop industrial stains, or improve characterization of platform organisms. A variety of tools are covered including microarrays, metabolomics, proteomics, growth phenotype analysis, and fluxomics. The presentations will demonstrate how the data obtained from these methods can be assimilated, interpreted, and applied using computational modeling.
In this introductory presentation we will give an overview of current methodologies, present some examples from our own work, and give an overall perspective on the field.