Monday, November 9, 2009
Adjustment of Lactococcus lactis metabolism in response to specific growth rate change studied by continuous cultivation (A-stat) and metabolic flux analysis
A comprehensive study to describe adaptive responses of Lactococcus lactis metabolism to the change of growth rate was characterized by the level of product formation (extracellular metabolome), glucose and 20 amino acid consumption, whole genome based transcriptome analysis and proteome measurements. Culture was cultivated in strictly controlled conditions on glucose limited defined medium using the accelerostat (A-stat) method in the specific growth rate range 0.1 – 0.6 h-1. This cultivation method enabled to acquire steady state data at defined conditions about production and consumption yields of measurable products and substrates to calculate intracellular fluxes using whole genome based metabolic flux analysis, containing 375 metabolites and 580 reactions. |
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