Monday, November 9, 2009 - 6:00 PM
Hydrodynamics and oxygen tranfer in microbial cultures in various types of microtiter plates during orbital shaking
Wouter A. Duetz, Enzyscreen, Biopartner Centre Leiden, Wassenaarseweg 72, Leiden, Netherlands
Microtiter plates (MTPs) are increasingly used to screen large mutant or construct libraries, and different growth media compositions. The chances that the results of these screenings have any relevance for the corresponding (or planned) large-scale bioprocess are better if the hydrodynamical conditions in the MTP wells are similar.
During the presentation, the hydrodynamics and mixing patterns in various types of microtiter plates (6-, 24-, and 96-well MTPs, with round wells or square wells) during various speeds of orbital shaking (at 25 or 50 mm shaking diameter) will be shown using slow-motion videos made with a high-speed camera.
Other topics addressed will be oxygen transfer rates, well closure systems, well-to-well variations (standard deviations of independent duplicates), methods for synchronization of cultures growing in the wells of one MTP, and the use of flatbed- scanning technology to follow the growth in multiple MTPs in time.