Monday, November 9, 2009 - 10:30 AM
Impact of Upstream Activities on Downstream Purification and Quality
Philip H. Morton, Process Development, Novozymes Biopharma UK Ltd, Castle Court, 59 Castle Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 1FD, United Kingdom
Processes can often be developed as separate operations i.e. host, fermentation and purification with little regard for the impact of the operation upon subsequent steps. However, it is highly likely that each operation will have an influence on the other operations and so the process should ideally be developed as a whole. The talk will discuss how changes in the host organism and fermentation can impact the purification and consequently the overall process yields and quality. Examples will be given showing the influence of host cell changes on the contaminant profile and how changes in fermentation conditions and raw materials can influence the purification and product quality, including the effect on scale up.
See more of Microbial culture scale up, manufacturing, and process characterization
See more of Invited Oral Papers
See more of RAFT VIII (November 8 - 11, 2009)
See more of Invited Oral Papers
See more of RAFT VIII (November 8 - 11, 2009)