S24 Lessons from nature – Dissecting and applying the chemical logic of halogenating enzymes
Tuesday, January 13, 2015: 2:20 PM
California Ballroom AB
Bradley Moore, Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA
Nature is an efficient synthetic organic chemist of complex organic molecules that often contain bioactive halogen atoms. Due to the reactivity of organohalogens, these natural molecules can exert beneficial properties as pharmaceutical drug leads as well as deleterious effects as toxins and pollutants. In this lecture, we will examine the orthogonal strategies nature has evolved to activate and deliver halogens to organic substrates associated with the oncology drug candidate salinosporamide A, the antimicrobial agent merochlorin A, and the natural pollutant 2’-OH-BDE68. We will further discuss advantageous applications in synthesis and biotechnology to extend nature’s biohalogenation strategies.