Different lignocellulosic biomasses modulate the expression of CAZy and redox enzymes in the digestome of lower termite Coptotermes gestroi
Monday, April 27, 2015
Aventine Ballroom ABC/Grand Foyer, Ballroom Level
Termites are considered the most efficient degrader in nature, since they convert lignocellulosic biomass with 65-90% of efficiency. This is possible due to termites and their symbionts posses a repertoire of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZy) that act in conjunction with pro-oxidant/antioxidant/detoxification enzymes (PADs) to overcome the recalcitrance of lignocellulose. The aim of this work was to comprehend differential expression of CAZy and PAD genes/enzymes, when C. gestroi was fed in two different sugarcane bagasses: in natura-(BIN) and phosphoric acid swollen sugarcane bagasse-(PASB) a cellulose/lignin-rich bagasse. C. gestroi’s works were fed on BIN and PASB for 21 days. RNA-Seq libraries were sequenced using Hi-Seq 2000 generating 425 million reads and 42 GB were sequenced. The reads were assembled generating ± 39.000 contigs used for CAZy and PAD enzymes discovering. Total reads were normalized and used to calculate the FPKM/fold-change for each gene identified. The analysis predicted 435 unigenes correlated with CAZy-PAD, such as 37 different families of GHs, 17 of CBMs, 6 CEs, 3 PLs, 6 AAs and 9 domains of PADs. The results suggest CAZy and PADs genes were up regulated in PASB, mainly GH1, GH9, GH13, GH18; AA1, AA3; and p450, AKR e ALDH. CAZy genes related to protists such as GH3, GH5, GH7, GH10 and GH11, were down regulated in PASB condition. We also identified, for the first time, a LPMO gene belongs to family AA10. Here, we described insights about how biomass composition can modulate the expression of CAZy and PAD genes in C. gestroi digestome.