Characterization and detoxification of enzyme hydrolysates derived from dilute ammonia pretreated sorghum and energycane bagasse for syrup production
Monday, April 27, 2015
Aventine Ballroom ABC/Grand Foyer, Ballroom Level
In this study, dilute ammonia pretreated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and high fiber sugarcane bagasse also known as energycane (Ho 02-113) bagasse were enzymatically hydrolyzed with Spezyme® CP, a cellulase and Novozyme 188, a β-glucosidase. The enzymatic hydrolysate liquor was analyzed for monomeric sugars, organic acids, furaldehydes and phenolic acids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) - Diode Array Detector (DAD) method, developed for simultaneous and direct detection of EHL components and HPLC-Refractive Index Detector (RID) method. Detoxification strategies involving solid phase extraction (SPE), ionic liquid liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), ion-exchange resins, activated charcoal and molecular sieve adsorption and calcium salt experiments for minimizing degradation products while retaining monomeric sugars were evaluated. Ionic liquid LLE and ion-exchange resin detoxification strategies were successful by avoiding large sugar losses while removing non-sugar components. Optimized detoxification strategies were applied prior to converting the bagasse enzymatic hydrolysates to lignocellulosic C6 and C5 syrup feedstock for biofuels and chemicals.