18-02: Techno-economic analysis of combined bioethanol and biogas production from hemp

Thursday, May 3, 2012: 1:30 PM
Rhythms Ballroom, 2nd fl (Sheraton New Orleans)
Zsolt Barta1, Emma Kreuger2, Bálint Sipos1, Kati Réczey1, Lovisa Björnsson2, Ola Wallberg3 and Guido Zacchi3, (1)Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, (2)Department of Biotechnology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, (3)Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is an attractive crop for energetic purposes, because it can reach high biomass yield, possesses low susceptibility to pests and diseases, and suppresses competing weeds. Due to the relatively high carbohydrate content it is a suitable feedstock for both bioethanol and biogas production.

The aim of this study was to investigate hemp processing scenarios in techno-economic aspect. The process model built in Aspen Plus V7.3 was based on experimental data. The feedstock was chopped hemp stem in all scenarios. In scenarios A and B it was subjected to anaerobic digestion (AD) directly or after fine-grinding, respectively. In scenario C steam-pretreatment was performed on the feedstock, and then the whole slurry was sent to AD. In scenario D the whole slurry obtained after steam-pretreatment was separated into liquid and solid fractions. The latter was used in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation to produce ethanol, which was separated by distillation. The stillage from the distillation and liquid fraction of the whole slurry were subjected to AD. In all scenarios mentioned so far effluent of AD was filtered, and the liquid fraction was assumed to be used as fertiliser, while the solid fraction was burnt to generate heat and power. Scenario E was the same as scenario D, except that AD was not included, therefore organic material of stillage and of liquid fraction after steam-pretreatment was used in heat and power production. A comparison of the five scenarios based on energy efficiency and production cost will be presented.