6-01: Overcoming challenges in biomass analysis through cooperation

Tuesday, May 3, 2011: 8:00 AM
Willow A-B, 2nd fl (Sheraton Seattle)
Stefan Willfor, Abo Akademi University, Finland and Bryon Donohoe, Biosciences Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
Trees, annual and perennial plants, recycled fibers, lignocellulosic side streams, and other biomass materials are renewable resources for the development of natural materials, biochemicals, and bioenergy. The introduction of novel biorefinery processes and products from unutilized raw materials puts a high demand on the analytical methods used to understand the processes and to be able to fully exploit the feed material. We encounter a new world of chemistry, physicochemical behavior, and intriguing analytical problems. Not even in traditional pulping and papermaking do we yet fully understand the chemistry that goes on in the processes. And now we are introducing new processes and new raw materials, which require new thinking.

The chemical complexity of biomass renders the analyses of the feed constituents, processes, valorized products, and residues challenging. Critical steps include representativeness of the sampling, the extraction, fractionation, sample storage, and the pretreatment methods applied. New analytical methods and instruments are constantly being applied and evaluated for their relevance. The development of analytical on-line applications and state-of-the-art techniques, as well as the application of statistical multicomponent analyses to sort out the relevant data are also of outmost importance, but offer their own challenges.

Combining forces between different scientific areas, working in close conjunction with industries and companies, and emphasizing the training of young and early-stage researchers, thus teaching them to think in new routes, are excellent approaches to overcome most challenges. In today’s global research and industrial society, we also achieve our goals best through international cooperation between research groups.

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