Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The utilization of feedstocks based on the mixture of different raw materials is an important contribution to the sustainability of biomass-based biorefineries since it can overcome logistic problems related with single raw materials, such as seasonality, availability, and storage. Wheat straw (WS), eucalyptus residues (ER) and olive tree pruning (OP) are abundant lignocellulosic residues in the Mediterranean region and their ballancing seasonality and chemical composition enable their mix use. Nevertheless, the use of mixtures may further hinder the selective fractioning of biomass components, one of the major barriers to get feasible bioenergetic products. Preliminary results have shown that autohydrolysis may be an attractive option to process mix feedstocks, as it could selectively hydrolyze the hemicellulose fraction of biomass, while both cellulose and lignin could be recovered in the solid phase with minor losses and also with no requirement of an additional treatment for later use.
In this work, different mixtures of (WS:ER:OP, 50:25:25, 25:50:25 and 25:25:50) were autohydrolyzed under non-isothermal conditions (150-230ºC). Empirical models describing the influence of the temperature on sugars and by-products production were developed and applied for the different mixtures. The optimal operational conditions for oligosaccharides and pentoses recovery were then experimentally validated. The results demonstrate that autohydrolysis is an efficient and selective pretreatment method for wheat straw, eucalyptus residues and olive tree prunings mixtures. Mathematical modeling is an important tool to understand and predict results. Both results showed the potentially of this in a biorefinary framework.