Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The objective of this study was to identify the effect of C/N ratio and type of aeration on nitrification rates of activated sludge by advanced wastewater treatment process. Activated sludge from 26 wastewater treatment plants were collected and grouped through A-H depending upon the type of industry and the C/N ratio. The experiments were carried out in lab scale (20 liters) and pilot plant scale (8000 liters). The effect of aeration was studied in pilot plant scale with two type aeration namely side aeration and overall aeration. The specific nitrification rate (SNR) was calculated and it was correlated with the C/N ratio and the aeration type. Inverse relation between the C/N ratio and the SNR had not been established. This result disagrees with the earlier study. The SNR for overall aeration was more compared with side aeration for the same dissolved oxygen level in both type of aeration. The difference between SNR of two different type of aeration was about 8.8%.