1-21: Ethanol tolerance of Schizosaccharomyces pombe under aerobic and anaerobic conditions supports utility for cellulosic ethanol production

Monday, May 2, 2011
Grand Ballroom C-D, 2nd fl (Sheraton Seattle)
Kevin C. Reilly1, Joshua Kitner2 and Christopher C. Beatty2, (1)Molecular and Cellular Biology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, (2)Trillium FiberFuels, Inc, Corvallis, OR
Trillium FiberFuels has studied several yeast strains to determine suitability for a Simultaneous Isomerization and Fermentation (SIF) process that isomerizes xylose, the main constituent of hemicellulose, to readily fermentable xylulose.  The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe naturally ferments xylulose well, is compatible with the SIF process, and possesses several additional advantages including a sequenced genome, low co-product formation, and well-studied physiology.  However, previous studies of S. pombe ethanol tolerance are inconsistent.  Since high ethanol tolerance is critical for efficient ethanol production, anaerobic fermentation and aerobic adaptation studies were conducted with S. pombe ATCC 2476.

To observe S. pombe ethanol tolerance under aerobic conditions while promoting adaptation to ethanol inhibition, repetitive cultivations were performed with stepwise increase of ethanol concentration in the growth medium.  Ethanol tolerance at each step was analyzed and the cultivation was carried out until the strain was no longer able to grow, producing an ethanol-adapted strain.  Subsequently, side-by-side fermentations were carried out using adapted and unadapted S. pombe to test ethanol tolerance under anaerobic conditions.

Our results show that S. pombe is tolerant up to 12.0% w/v ethanol in anaerobic fermentation and 7.0 % w/v ethanol in aerobic cultivation.  Evidence of adaptation to ethanol inhibition was observed during repetitive cultivation, although there was negligible difference in ethanol tolerance between unadapted and adapted strains during fermentation.  This ethanol-tolerant S. pombe strain combined with Trillium’s SIF technology enables cost-effective conversion of xylose to ethanol.

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