Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 10:00 AM
A Perspective on Pretreatment Chemistry: What We Know and Need to Know
Arthur J. Ragauskas1, Yunqiao Pu1, Seokwon Jung1, Marcus Foston1, Poulomi Sannigrahi1, Angela Ziebell2, Mark Davis1, Fang Chen3, Richard A. Dixon3, Brian H. Davison4, Michael H. Studer5, and Charles E. Wyman5. (1) School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, 901 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332, (2) Georgia Institute of Technology/National Renewable Energy Laboratory, (3) Plant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, 2510 Sam Noble Parkway, Ardmore, OK 73401, (4) Biosciences Division and BioEnergy Science Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1 Bethel Valley Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, (5) Center for Environmental Research and Technology and Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department, University of California, Riverside, 1084 Columbia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92521
Over the past several years, we have examined the chemistry of acid pretreatment focusing on the ultra-structure of cellulose, lignin functionality and hemicellulose in the bulk and surface of poplar and switchgrass. From these studies a re-occurring theme is that acid pretreatments typically increase overall crystallinity and changes the relative amounts of amorphous and paracrystalline cellulose along with Ia and Ib while decreasing the DP of cellulose. The polysaccharide component of biomass has also been recently shown to generate pseudo-lignin which increases the residual Klason content after pretreatment, possibly impacting enzymatic deconstruction. Accompanying these changes in carbohydrate chemistry, lignin is changed during pretreatment leading to decreases in b–O-aryl ether, increase in polydispersity and condensed lignin. Surface studies by ToF-SIMS have shown that surface pretreatment chemistry is uniquely different from bulk chemistry especially in residual hemicelluloses. This presentation will examine these chemical reactions, identify what established reactions suggest about acid pretreatment chemistry, and suggest what reaction chemistries need further investigation to enhance pretreatment effectiveness and facilitate the next generation of low-recalcitrance engineered crops, better pretreatments, and advanced biocatalysts.
See more of Biomass Pretreatment and Fractionation
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See more of The 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (April 19-22, 2010)
See more of General Submissions
See more of The 32nd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (April 19-22, 2010)