Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - 1:00 PM
Amyris’ integrated biorefinery operations for domestic renewable diesel and chemical production
Commercial US production of Amyris Diesel from sweet sorghum is targeted for 2013 with potential partners in Hawaii, California or the Southeast US. Amyris’ integrated production process uses low-risk, industrially proven yeast-based fermentation of traditional or lignocellulosic-derived sugar feedstocks. Amyris’ fermentation product is readily recovered as a water-immiscible oil; fermentation waste will be treated by anaerobic digestion to reduce effluent and utilize residual sugars for biogas production. Resulting biogas will be converted to hydrogen via steam-methane reformation for use in product finishing processes.
Amyris’ presentation will detail its IBR project workflow, process design, partnerships and critical success factors. De-risking US commercial production from lignocellulosic feedstocks and scaling up at a pace capable of meeting EPA and state targets for GHG reduction will be emphasized as Amyris develops capabilities in the US to parallel and expand upon its Brazil scale-up efforts.
Web Page: www.amyris.com