Monday, April 19, 2010

Implications of biomass storage systems for a life cycle inventory of greenhouse gas emissions from ethanol production

Nathan S. Mosier, LORRE/Ag. and Bio. Engineering, Purdue University, 500 Central Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907 and Isaac Emery, LORRE, Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Ecological Sciences and Engineering IGP, Purdue University, 500 Central Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907.

International concerns over climate change, resource scarcity, and energy independence have led to mandates for biofuel production.  Life cycle inventory models of greenhouse gas emissions from biofuel production have become tightly integrated into such regulations.  Current models do not include biomass storage or reflect current literature on emissions from soil and biomass decomposition.  In this paper, net greenhouse gas emissions during ethanol production from corn stover were modeled using the GREET framework to determine the impact of three biomass storage systems: dry bales, ensiling, and wet piles.  Storage infrastructure, dry matter loss, and GHG emissions from biomass were added to the GREET inventory analysis.  Results showed that biomass stability, biomass emissions, and transportation were key parameters affecting life cycle emissions from bioethanol. Storage infrastructure accounts for only 1- 2% of net GHG emissions, while dry matter losses can increase net emissions by 4 – 20% (ensiling), 5 – 35% (bales outdoors), or 1 – 5% (bales indoors). These results indicate that both environmental and economic factors must be included in developing biomass storage systems for biofuel feedstocks that meet GHG reduction mandates.