Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - 2:00 PM
Creating value from wood: The Borregaard biorefinery
Martin Lersch, Biorefinery R&D, Borregaard Ind. Ltd., Hjalmar Wesselsvei 10, NO-1701 Sarpsborg, Norway
Biorefining has become a buzzword lately, yet few industrial sites can claim to operate according to the concept, manufacturing an optimum mix of bioenergy, biofuel, biochemicals and biomaterials. Borregaard has a 120 year history of innovation and specialization, and is claimed to be one of the world's most advanced biorefineries in operation. From 1000 kg dry wood, our process yields 400 kg specialty cellulose, 400 kg lignosulfonate, 70 kg solid biofuel, 50 kg bioethanol, 50 kg carbon dioxide and 3 kg vanillin. Less than 5% of the input ends up in the waste treatment plant. The presentation will give an introduction to the Borregaard biorefinery with emphasis on the chemical steps involved. Examples of the various applications for specialty cellulose and lignosulfonate will be given and the green profile will be highlighted with results from a recent life cycle analysis.
Web Page: www.borregaard.com