Sunday, May 3, 2009
Value prior to pulping: Extraction of hemicellulose from hardwood
Mixed southern hardwood chips were extracted with either carbonate or green liquor, a pulping intermediate containing NaOH, Na2S and Na2CO3, at 0, 2, 4 and 6% TTA (total titratable alkali) for each of the two chemicals. The extractions were also performed for each chemical charge condition at low, medium and high H-factors (a kinetic model expressing cooking time and temperature as a single variable) to determine the effect of extraction severity on pulp yield and composition of the extracted liquor. The severity of hemicellulose extraction in terms of time and alkaline charge determines the concentration of acetic acid and monosaccharides available for downstream processing, the pulp yield attainable for extracted fiber, and the accumulation of degradation products such as organic acids and furans. Complete compositional data and the corresponding pulp yield effects will be presented for each of the conditions tested.