Tuesday, May 5, 2009 - 11:00 AM

Process technology and integration options for a sustainable biorefinery

Carina Maria Alles1, Robin E. Jenkins1, Jamie P. Ginn1, Bruce M. Vrana1, Robert W. Sylvester1, and Susan M. Hennesey2. (1) DuPont Engineering Research & Technology, 1007 N Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19898, (2) DuPont Central Research and Development, Wilmington, DE

This presentation will illustrate how advances in process development bring the economically attractive and environmentally friendly production of cellulosic ethanol within reach.

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), as a holistic approach to evaluate the environmental profile of a biorefinery value chain, has been used side by side with techno-economic evaluations to guide researchers to the most sustainable design alternatives. LCA scenario analyses explain how technology choices, research progress and synergies with co-located facilities affect the cradle to refinery gate footprint of a cellulosic biorefinery.

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