Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - 7:40 PM
The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center: Transformational Science and Sustainability
Bruce E. Dale1, George Phillips1, Phillip Robertson1, Timothy Donohue2, Richard Amasino2, Robert Landick2, John Ohlrogge2, Michael Sussman2, and Kenneth Keegstra1. (1) Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Science, Michigan State University, 3247 Engineering, East Lansing, MI 48824, (2) University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
The Great Lakes Bioenergy Reseach Center (GLBRC) was established by the U. S. Department of Energy in 2007. The GLBRC is a partnership between several universities and federal laboratories, with the University of Wisconsin as the lead institution and Michigan State University as the other principal academic institution. The GLBRC’s research program is directed toward transformational discoveries in basic plant science, biomass processing, biofuel production and sustainability research. This presentation will outline the research program of the GLBRC, identify key contacts for each of the major research components and describe how collaborations with the Center might be established by interested parties.