Monday, May 5, 2008

Utilization of Canola Cake in the Production of Poligalacturonase and Protease by Semi-Solid Fermentation

Adriana C. Freitas, Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil and Gustavo A. S. Pinto, National Research Center of Tropical Agroindustry, Embrapa - Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Rua Dra. Sara Mesquita, 2270, Pici, Fortaleza/CE, 60511-110, Brazil.

Agroindustrial residue had received increasing attention once can be used as a row material for obtaining products with highest aggregate value. In this context, fermentation in solid stage (FSS) plays an important role in the utilization and bioconversion of these residues in products of interest. The aims of this work was to evaluate its potential of canola cake for polygalacturonase synthesis by semi-solid fermentation. The centesimal characterization of the cake was done, as well as starch contents, water activity and granulometric distribution of particles. The culture medium was composed of 75ml of water in 100g of canola cake. After strong homogenization, 40g of medium were dispensed in500ml-Erlenmeyers, autoclaved and inoculated with 107espores/g of medium. Fermentations were incubated at 30oC for 96 hours. Tested microorganisms were Aspergillus niger CNPAT001, IOC207, IOC4220, IOC4222, IOC3883 and CCT0916 and A. oryzae IV. Samples were taken in 24 hours intervals, in order to determine polygalacturonase activity (PG) protease. The synthesis of this enzyme by the selected strains was evaluated in media prepared with the addition of different water volumes to 100g of canola cake. The evaluated culture media demonstrated satisfactory ability in maintain microorganism growth and all the analyzed strains presented visual growth. A. niger CNPAT001 strain was the more appropriated for PG production, with 26.0U/g obtained after 24h in the medium composed by 75mL of water in 100g of cake. For the protease determination, A. oryzae IV strain presented the best activity after 48 hours under fermentation, showing 25.5U/g, in the same culture medium.