Sunday, May 4, 2008
Optimization of Fermentation Medium for Biological Hydrogen Production by Thermotoga neapolitana
Xiaohui Yu and Caye M. Drapcho. Biosystems Engineering, Clemson University, 221 McAdams Hall, Clemson, SC 29634
Thermotoga neapolitana can utilize rice flour as sole carbon source, and soybean meal as one of nitrogen sources to produce hydrogen. In this study, uniform design was used as experimental design to optimize the fermentation medium. The optimized medium was composed of 9 g/L rice flour, 4.5 g/L soybean meal, and 4.5 g/L trypticase. The hydrogen concentration for this optimized medium was 0.07083±0.006198 g H2/L medium or 35.42±3.10 mmol H2/L medium. The increased hydrogen concentration from control medium to optimized medium was 21.6%.
Thermotoga neapolitana can utilize rice flour as sole carbon source, and soybean meal as one of nitrogen sources to produce hydrogen. In this study, uniform design was used as experimental design to optimize the fermentation medium. The optimized medium was composed of 9 g/L rice flour, 4.5 g/L soybean meal, and 4.5 g/L trypticase. The hydrogen concentration for this optimized medium was 0.07083±0.006198 g H2/L medium or 35.42±3.10 mmol H2/L medium. The increased hydrogen concentration from control medium to optimized medium was 21.6%.
Keywords: biohydrogen Thermotoga neapolitana optimization uniform design
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See more of The 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (May 4 -- 7, 2008)