70th Annual Meeting and Exhibition 2020

August 9 - August 12, 2020

Hyatt Regency Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA

Welcome to the 70th SIMB annual meeting. The program chair for SIMB 2020 is Adam Guss, PhD., Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The 2020 program committee welcomes you to submit presentations in the Society’s core topic areas. Poster abstracts, as well as student oral session abstracts and contributed oral abstracts may be submitted for consideration.

General Instructions


Poster spaces are limited. Please do not submit an abstract unless you are committed to attending the meeting and presenting. 

To be assured of a poster space after receiving an acceptance, each poster must have the presenting author registered and paid by July 16 in order to secure a spot in the poster hall.

Substitutions for the presenting author must be communicated to SIMB directly. In the case of a substitution, the new presenter must also be registered and paid by July 16.

NOTE: All posters displayed must have at least one author available to discuss the poster. This author may present only two posters within a single poster session, and present no more than a total of three posters in both poster sessions. This includes any author substitutions.

IMPORTANT: You will be notified by email of acceptance of your poster abstract. All accepted Poster Presenters must be registered and paid in full before your abstract is published.

If you have not registered and paid by the date specified, your poster will be withdrawn from the program and space will not be reserved for you in the poster hall.

Do not bring a poster to the meeting if you have not been accepted or if you have not registered and paid by the required registration date.

ACTUAL POSTER SIZE: Poster size should not exceed 4 feet high by 4 feet wide.


Maximum Abstract Length is 325 Words for all papers.

Submit an Abstract

Click below to begin an abstract submission

The deadline for Invited Oral Abstract Presentations Submissions, Sunday, August 9, 2020, 11:59pm ET has been reached.

The deadline for Contributed Oral and Poster Abstracts Submissions, Sunday, August 9, 2020, 11:59pm ET has been reached.

Sunday, August 9, 2020, 11:59pm ET has been reached.

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