S70 Rapid evolution of metabolic dependency
Tuesday, July 26, 2016: 8:30 AM
Grand Chenier, 5th Fl (Sheraton New Orleans)
W. Shou*, R. Green and H. Mi, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA
Microbes are often found to have lost their ability to make essential metabolites (auxotrophs) and instead rely on other individuals for these metabolites. How might metabolic dependency evolve to be so common? When microbes live inside a host (endosymbionts), ample host metabolites support auxotrophic endosymbionts. If the host transmits only a small number of endosymbionts to its offspring, then auxotrophic endosymbionts can rise to high frequency simply by chance. On the other hand, auxotrophs have also been observed in large populations of free-living bacteria found in ocean water where nutrient supply is low. How might auxotrophs rise to an appreciable frequency in a large population when nutrient supply is low? We have found commonly-encountered conditions that facilitate the evolution of metabolic dependency. Metabolic interactions can in turn shape spatial organization and interaction strength in microbial communities. Metabolic dependency can contribute to the complexity of microbial communities.