Session 19:
Environmental: Advances in Microbial Control
Wednesday, August 5, 2015: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Philadelphia South, Mezzanine Level (Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel)
Jon J. Calomiris - Sotiria Science, Arnold, MD
Jana S. Rajan - Dow Microbial Control, Buffalo Grove, IL
8:00 AM
Microbial Control Overview and Water System Challenges
Jon J. Calomiris, Sotiria Science, Arnold, MD
Jon J. Calomiris, Sotiria Science, Arnold, MD
8:25 AM
Microbial Control in Industrial Processes � History and Future Trends
Jana S. Rajan, Dow Microbial Control, Buffalo Grove, IL
Jana S. Rajan, Dow Microbial Control, Buffalo Grove, IL
8:50 AM
Unmet Needs and Microbial Control Challenges in Industrial Water Systems
Dr. Amit Gupta, Nalco � An Ecolab Company, Naperville, IL
Dr. Amit Gupta, Nalco � An Ecolab Company, Naperville, IL
9:15 AM
Legionella in my water: detection, control and prevention
Dr. Janet Stout, Special Pathogens Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA
Dr. Janet Stout, Special Pathogens Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA
10:10 AM
Tracking and controlling Listeria monocytogenes in food processing plants
Dr. Stephen Knabel, Food Science, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Dr. Stephen Knabel, Food Science, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
10:35 AM
Investigation, Production and Application of a Natural Antimicrobial Compound
Dr. Jessica Rehdorf, Dr. Alice Kleber and Dr. Juergen Eck, BRAIN AG, Zwingenberg, Germany
Dr. Jessica Rehdorf, Dr. Alice Kleber and Dr. Juergen Eck, BRAIN AG, Zwingenberg, Germany
11:00 AM
Infection Control Measures While Caring for Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Ebola Virus Disease at The National Institutes of Health
Amanda Ramsburg, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Amanda Ramsburg, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
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