S146: Conversion of CO2­ to chemicals by autotrophic microorganisms at a  negatively poised electrode

Thursday, August 15, 2013: 2:30 PM
Spinnaker (Sheraton San Diego)
Christopher Marshall, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC and Harold May, Microbiology & Immunology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
Microbial electrosynthesis is the conversion of CO2­ to chemicals by autotrophic microorganisms using reducing equivalents from a negatively poised electrode.  The technology has the potential to be a sustainable, carbon-consuming platform for industrial chemical production.  In order for microbial electrosynthesis systems to become commercially relevant, long-term operation and improved rates must be demonstrated. In order to address this, bioelectrochemical reactors were operated chronoamperometrically at a cathode potential of -590 mV vs. SHE for over 200 days using a mixed microbial consortium (microbiome).  Current consumed was directly related to the formation of hydrogen, acetate, and/or methane.  Rates of acetate production were repeatedly observed over 10 mMl/L cathode liquid volume/day, and reached a maximum of 17.25 mM/day (1.04 g/L/d) with accumulation to 175 mM (10.5 g/L) over 20 days.  Hydrogen was also produced at high rates by the biocathode, reaching 100 mM/d (0.2 g/L/d) and a total accumulation of 1164 mM (2.4 g/L) over 20 days.  Other products observed were formate, propionate, and butyrate.  Acetobacterium spp. dominated the active microbial population on the cathodes (50-60%), with members of Sulfurospirillum and the Rhodobacteraceae also prevalent.  Utilization of microbiomes for microbial electrosynthesis has the potential to produce commodity chemicals, gaseous and liquid fuels, and bioplastics from CO2.  The production of acetate in this study approach that reported for bioreactors pressurized with H2:CO2, indicating that electrodes deliver electrons to autotrophic microorganisms effectively. This study demonstrated sustained long-term performance of an electrosynthetic microbiome.