P90A: Isolation and selection of plant growth promoting endophytic, epiphytic and rhizo bacterias from largest agave

Monday, August 12, 2013
Pavilion (Sheraton San Diego)
Angelica del C. Ruiz-Font1, Sugeyrol Villa-Ramirez1 and Flor Maria Melo-Perez2, (1)Biotechnology, National Polythecnic Institute. MEXICO, Puebla, Mexico, (2)Escuela de Biologia, BUAP, Puebla, MEXICO, Mexico
Currently agaves are of great economic and social importance in our country, unfortunately some Agave species are endangered, so it raises the plant tissue culture biotechnology as a tool of great help to conserve this species and use their various uses. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of age of pulque agave diversity of culturable epiphytic and endophytic bacteria associated with root and leaves, in the State of Puebla. Samples of root and leaves wild pulque agaves of three different ages. The diversity of bacteria was performed by scanning technique in half Mcat plate with different pH,% salinity and nutrients dilution. The number of colonies was estimated by direct counting plate to determine the UFC, then every different strain was isolated and described their morphological characteristics quantified once colonies was determined richness, abundance and diversity of morphotypes present at sites of sampling using mathematical models proposed for each order. To establish significant differences in relation to the amount of UFC, the sampling sites and the age of agaves ANOVAS were performed in the program of statistical version 7. We obtained a total of 27 different morphotypes total agave. ANOVA analysis showed significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) between the number of CFU and ages, and also showed differences in sampling sites.