P159: The NPDI and Fundacion Medina collections combined again for natural products discovery

Sunday, August 12, 2012
Columbia Hall, Terrace Level (Washington Hilton)
Anne Dombrowski1, Janet Sigmund1, Olga Genilloud2 and Gerald Bills2, (1)Natural Products Discovery Institute, Institute for Hepatitis and Virus Research, Doylestown, PA, (2)Fundacion MEDINA, 18100 Granada, Spain
An exciting new opportunity for Natural Products drug discovery: the non-profit research organizations, NPDI (Natural Products Discovery Institute) and Fundación MEDINA (Centro de Excelencia en Investigación de Medicamentos Innovadores en Andalucía) are jointly offering a vast and diverse collection of plant and microbial fermentation samples to the research community for purposes of screening for pharmaceutical, agricultural, cosmeceutical and nutritional agents.  These collections were constructed initially within the same company with the purpose of providing diversity and complementarity.  Brought together again, this collection amounts to over 200K samples which are backed up with reserve materials and producing cultures, as well as extensive expertise in chemistry and microbiology garnered from decades of experience in a pharmaceutical setting.  This poster will describe these collections in detail, along with some of their history, and will discuss terms under which researchers can access this productive resource through collaborations or fee-for-service arrangements.