S132: Taxes, budget cuts, deficit reduction and science policy

Tuesday, July 26, 2011: 1:00 PM
Grand Chenier, 5th fl (Sheraton New Orleans)
Russell H. Vreeland, USBARCO Corp, Coatesville, PA

In 1789 Benjamin Franklin (1706-90) coined the famous phrase: "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." This phrase became popular when the letter was re-printed in The Works of Benjamin Franklin, 1817. Mr. Franklin’s thoughts are still true today but now we probably could add “death, taxes and political fights over budget cuts and deficit reduction." When Washington blazes with the budget axe scientists look longingly at grant agencies and feel kinship with ripe pears on the bottom branch of the tree. This year the battles in national and state capitols are severe, passionate and well intentioned. Many Americans hope that the country can lower its deficits and improve the economy. Few scientists want to see this accomplished by eliminating research, cutting education or closing down scientific laboratories. But how much do you really know about the budget process? How much do you know about how to influence policy or work in ways that help the country reset its budget goals without destroying science? During this session a panel of non-partisan experts will discuss the overall budgeting process and what is really needed. The panel is planned to include progressives, centrists and conservatives. The panelists will explain the process then answer your questions. Thomas Jefferson stated “An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will.” This is your chance to become informed.


See more of: Marcel Faber
See more of: Invited Oral Papers