Sunday, July 26, 2009
Microbial Production and Detection of Tetrodotoxin
Under high concentration of phosphate, the TTX production of some bacteria was repressed to half and growth of some bacteria was enhanced with two folds. It suggested phosphate could be involved in regulation in both growth and TTX production. Besides, the growth of Bacillus cereus GC subgroup B was improved by puffer fish extracts, especially the liver extract. Also, its TTX production was increased by the extracts. There could be some growth factor and unknown compounds affecting the cellular reactions in the extracts.
Various detection methods, HPLC, ELISA and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry, for TTX were compared. ELISA was much sensitive than HPLC. The lower detection limit of ELISA was about 1ng/ml TTX, which was lower than that of HPLC with 250 folds. However, the detected values by ELISA were much higher. It should be due to the interference with impurities and coexisted TTX analogs. In addition, the results of MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry further proved Raoultella terrigena was a TTX-producing bacterium.
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