Monday, July 27, 2009

Genetic Improvement of PUFA Producing Marine Protist Thraustochytrids

ShuoCheng Zhang and Roberto E. Armenta. R&D, Ocean Nutrition Canada Ltd., 101 Research Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4T6, Canada

A previously isolated high-level DHA producing thraustochytrid strain (ONC-T18) was used to further enhance its DHA productivity through the use of classic mutagenesis and modern metabolic engineering methods. In the mutagenesis assays, we found that in the presence of the mutagen agent, some colonies of the strain ONC-T18 were developed into variously visible colony sectors that were sub-cultured and developed into individual strains. Fatty acid analysis showed distinctive fatty acid profiles among the derived strains, demonstrating that under our experimental conditions mutations can be effectively triggered in the strain ONC-T18. More strains derived from the single colonies, without visible morphology changes in the presence of the mutagen, were screened based on their fatty acid profiles. Novel strains that produced significantly more DHA (relative to their parent strain) were identified. These strains may represent a viable alternative to produce high levels of microbial DHA.