Changes in mycolic acids were investigated by examining HPLC profiles. Antibiotic susceptibility tests (measuring zones of inhibition for vancomycin) and proteomic studies were also conducted.
Components of the rhodococcal cell envelope such as mycolic acids proteins and were affected by addition of cobalt in growth media of Rhodococcus. The supplementation of cobalt in growth media resulted in significant changes in the mycolic profiles, with a 200% increase in mycolic acids content. Antibiotic susceptibility tests with Rhodococcus sp. DAP 96253 showed that the presence of cobalt, in the growth media resulted in a three-fold increase in antibiotic sensitivity to vancomycin. Proteomic studies showed that supplementation of cobalt resulted in increased levels of outer membrane protein found in metal transport and other proteins involved mycolic acid synthesis.
This work showed that cobalt not only impacts NHase activity but also mycolic acid synthesis, and transport of other compounds into the cell.